Friday, July 1, 2016

Time to Eat: Kenney's of Lexington, VA

K, J, and G recently made a yummy trip to Kenney's in Lexington, VA.  It was a bit hard to find, but it was worth the trip. Reminiscent of the Virginian fast food franchise popular in the 1950s and 1960s, the classic Kenney's were famed for fun and value in simple foods like "sauce burgers" similar to those found at Tennessee's Pal's Sudden Service.  Today, there are a few independently-owned Kenney's restaurants around, but we'd never stopped in before--although K grew up with her mom bragging on the greatness of Kenney burgers.  We dined on sauce burgers and hot dogs, but we've heard the fried chicken is also fabulous.

The dining room is spartan and a throwback to another time in fast food history, which we liked--just don't expect Starbucks or McDonald's.  There was a strong local clientele clearly present even though the Yelp! reviews we read hailed from other states, a great testament to its Road Food-worthy nature. There were also a number of notes visible at the order counter from various patrons and civic groups thanking the staff for their support of the don't see that much in fast food.

If you go, keep driving after your GPS says you have arrived at the restaurant at 635 Waddell Street. Turn left and drive by the closed medical office and the small used car lot, and you'll see the famous sign.  This is casual food quickly--but at a slower pace than typical fast food.  Pay attention to the hours--most nights, the restaurant is closed at 7 or 8 PM.  For our trip, we tagged on an evening walk in Lexington's downtown.  It's always nice to walk the Virginia Military Institute and Washington and Lee campuses, and tonight, G met a charming cadet on post at the "castle" (barracks).

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